When planning a wedding there are lots of decisions that must be made, including where it will take place. There are several advantages to renting a tent for your big day. Here are a few reasons as to why tents are perfect for outdoor weddings near Lexington, KY.
Weather is unpredictable and can change in a short amount of time. You can plan a perfect outdoor wedding but Mother Nature may spoil it. A tent is the best way to ensure rain, snow, or wind does not interfere with your big day. Tents are a good idea in case you and your guests need to seek shelter. Walls can even be added to the tents, so you can have control over the temperature. Heat or air conditioning the tent will ensure that everyone is comfortable will celebrating your wedded bliss.
Another reason why tents are perfect for outdoor weddings in Lexington, KY is the absolute freedom to make creative decisions. Tents provide you with a blank canvas that you can decorate any way you want. With an indoor venue, there are certain aspects you cannot change such as the wall color, flooring, view, and layout. You could find a location that has all the features you have been looking for, but the color of the walls may clash with the color scheme you have chosen. Tents allow for customization, so you can create an ideal site that matches the vision you have for your wedding. You can rent different sizes and styles of tents, and have them adjoined with hanging features, pillars, chandeliers, arches, a custom dance floor, and whatever else your heart desires.
Another reason as to why tents are perfect for outdoor weddings in Lexington, KY, is that they combine positive features of both outdoor and indoor weddings. If you are unsure as to what type of wedding you wish to have, a tent is the perfect comprise. You get to experience an open air atmosphere while also having a shelter from the elements too. It is the best of both worlds.
Goff Tents & Events has several rental tenting options available. We have a clear tent which allows you to have a clear view of the sky. This choice allows for plenty of sunlight during the day and an unobstructed view of the stars at night too. You have the shelter of a tent, but it doesn’t feel confined or closed off. There are also the traditional frame tents available as well. These tents are able to provide a solid roof covering which can shield your guests from sunlight. The frame tents ensure that your wedding will not be affected in anyway by outside circumstances, such as lighting. Our last tent offering is stage covers. This is perfect to supply coverage to bands performing outdoors.
In addition to tent rentals, we have everything to make your wedding, parties, and any kind of event, perfect. We offer rentals of chairs, tables, dance floor, and much more. We also provide floral design services and can craft custom floral arrangements too. We are located in Nicholasville, KY to offer our rental services to the entirety of Central Kentucky and Eastern Kentucky, including Lexington, KY. Call us today.